Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

What Is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization is the process of making your website visible on related user queries (Keywords). in simple words, with the help of SEO, a website can rank on the first page of SERPs on its associated keywords.

This means more visibility, more traffic and windfall revenue, and it is called a brand capture business.

One question is roaming in your mind how will you measure the website’s ranking? One Line Answer – keyword ranking is usually calculated by ( Search Engine Result Page ) SERP results.

Be clear between google search ads ( Pay per Click) and Organic results.

Either Some Business owners do not have much time, or they don’t want to wait for the SEO results and start spending money on search ads.

It is the fastest way to rank a website on any keyword. However, be prepared to pay to ensure placement on that first page. And when you stop running ads, your website snippet will be lost to the Internet.

See what the website snippet looks like

Screenshot from Google Search Engine, 26-10-2022

SEO takes time, but if you succeed in ranking your web pages by SEO, results will be more authentic, and People will be on your side.

How Does Seo Work?

SEO is an authentic way to maximize results in SERP, and there are lots of Search engine-made algorithms working for SEO; that’s why it’s almost impossible to manipulate Google through black-hat SEO.

Some new businesses want instant results, so they start with shortcuts And Get hunted down by Google algorithms and Face the Google penalty. Then, after corrections, they must wait a long time to rank their website And work hard.

SEO Takes Time and Actions. It is not about instant Consequences.
For Example, working today and you will get results tomorrow asap, this thing is phoney.

SEO is a daily and long-term work process. Therefore, if a keyword rank today, it does not mean it will be in the same position tomorrow.

Keywords change their position quickly because your competitor also would be working to outdo you. Hence, daily action and constant activity will take you ahead of your competitor.

Search Engines have bots to crawl website pages. Then, they download all the website data through Bots and save it in their library, which knows as an index.

This index Is just like a library. So when someone searches for something Search engine shows relevant results as a Librarian.

Results are shown in SERPs by the keywords the user searches for. Search engines collect data from websites, and after analyzing the webpages through several algorithms, the indexing results are shown on SERP.

What algorithms evaluate search engine optimization?

Which indexed content should or should not appear on the SERP (Search Engine Result Page)?

It depends on hundreds of factors. However, these five key factors help determine the results returned for a search query.

1. Meaning of the User Intent.

In order to get relevant and appropriate results from a user query, the algorithm understands what the user is looking for and what it is related to. For Example, if someone searches Digital Marketing Company, google shows digital marketing company results.

It is known as intent. This analyses your language, spelling mistake, synonyms more algorithm factors to understand search intent.

The intent is based on various search terms, historical searches, Locations, and more to get the accurate result of the user query.

2. Content relevancy of webpages. 

The algorithm analyzes the web page’ content to get the correct result a user search through the keywords. And this comes after intent is established.

A simple way to understand the relevancy of content is keywords. If you use keywords in your web page elements such as content, heading, and metadata, the search engines can relate your content with the user query, and that’s how it shows the perfect result.

But you must have seen that you will not get some keywords in the websites, but webpages rank on these keywords. How?

Regarding the relevancy of the content, you must have heard about LSI keywords, Like when we search for something in google and sometimes we can not complete the words, and the Search engine suggests some results.

Search engines can understand the keywords’ relevancy and use aggregated interaction data to determine the search query. Also, Search engines see old search data to match the page content with the query.

3. Content Quality. 

The most important thing for Search engines is content. It should be unique, user-friendly, and Authentic because search engines prioritise the most reliable sources.

Artificial intelligence-based algorithms can identify which website pages are trustworthy and genuine with respect to intent.

4. Webpages Usability.

Website page design and accessibility play a significant role in the search ranking in SERPs. Different algorithms of different search engines judge every webpage via multiple factors, for Example.

  • How does a website work in different browsers?
  • Is the website design working on all devices?
  • Is the Website page load time high or down?
  • How the website works on slow Internet connections. 


5. Context and Settings.

Search engines reveal results with the help of their algorithms, and Search settings help decide which results are appropriate for the user.

Search results are also delivered by their location, like, two people searching “Digital Marketing” the first one is from the United States of America and the second one is from India, both search at the same time, but they will get different results.

SEO Benefits

Search Engine Optimization is an important activity to promote your business by increasing website visibility while reaching the top of search results. But it’s not the end. It also provides some other benefits to your Business/Company.

Build Trust and Credibility.

A Trustworthy website is considered which ranks on the first page of SERPs. The results shown on the first page are more relevant and Make it easier for people to trust on business or website.

Good user experience at your site sends a positive sign to google and other search engines, and Your website ranks at the front leaving your competitors behind.

Reach Out To More People.

SEO only helps in attracting people who are looking for products and services. But you can benefit only when the webpage ranks on the first page of search results.

In SEO, keywords are the only way to reach you, so optimising the right keywords according to your business increase traffic and generates more revenue.

Supports Content Marketing

Keyword grouping by content helps search engines to understand what your webpage content is about, and then search engines provide the correct information to the users.

High-quality content is the heart of SEO. If the content is unique, engaging and well-optimized according to SEO, the website stays in the top results until better than this captivating content is found.

There should be the presence of keywords in the meta description, meta title, heading optimization and body content.

Understand Web Environment

The user who is up to date with SEO and the internet starts understanding how a search engine works. They implement and change SEO elements according to search engine needs, and the website rank never goes down.

Get Quantifiable Results

There are lots of tools used to track your website details, For Example, your website traffic, live users, devices that came to your website, visiting time, how long have been that stay your website and pages, the country from they visited your website, ETC.

The best free tool is Google Analytics, which provides comprehensive data on the website. This data measures how your SEO impacted customer engagement or acquisition.

SEO Techniques

SEO stand in 3 pillars that build effective SEO strategies:

1. Technical SEO 

Technical SEO is all about website and server optimization that helps search engine spiders crawl your website and index your site more successfully.

These are some points that should focus on while doing SEO.

1- Use SSL
2- Ensure your site is mobile-friendly
3- Speed your site up.
4- Fix duplicate content issues
5- Create an XML sitemap
6- Consider enabling AMP
7- Add structured data markup to your website
And more

2. On-Page Optimization.

On-page optimization is all about the website’s content, which should be high quality and relevant to the users.

Also, these things should be taken care of, meta description, title optimization, internal linking, more words, external links from other reputed sites, proper keywords, phrases and many other things which should be correct and unique.

3. Off-Page Optimization.

After technical SEO and on-page SEO, 3rd important part is off-page activity to enhance a site’s ranking. It is also called a link-building Process and is primarily driven by backlinks.

These links are generated by partnerships, Guest blogging, Social bookmarking, Social fortress, Web 2.0 properties, classified ads, video submission, PDF submission, citation and Image submission on other sites.

Links must be of high quality and related to your website.
All these SEO components and techniques help to build strong rankings for websites.

Here are some required methods to use inside the three pillars:

Keyword Research and Selection.

Accomplish keyword research according to your website niche and choose more desirable keywords to rank. Businesses should focus on keywords that are high-volume and relevant to their website site and search engines.

Keyword Research is an important part of a website. The right keywords must be pointing to your website and web page.

Create Quality Content.

Quality content means More visitors, lower bounce rates, and higher conversions. It happens when you implement the right keyword strategy with High-quality content.

Create unique meta details

Meta details tell search engines and users what this page content is about. That’s why you must develop appropriate meta details with the correct keywords.

The page title needs to include a focus keyword and Meta description, a summary of what a user will get from the website.

Use alt text with images. 

The alt tags describe images. However, search engine bots can’t understand what an image represents. Therefore we use an image tag to describe an image.

It describes images verbally to blind people. And this is another opportunity to input keywords.

URL slug

The URL describing the web page’s content must be unique for each specific page. Placing focus keywords is also an important area.

SEO Tools

There are many tools on the internet to guide and provide information to improve website ranking. These tools are free and paid. All tools help to examine the website, keyword research, and measure ranking on SERPs.

These tools are helping marketers to build a strong SEO strategy.


It’s a paid tool. However, you can use it free with one email for one domain. This tool can audit your website, competitive research, keyword research, and traffic analytics and measures SEO performance ( keyword position) from time to time.

If a problem is detected on your website or the status of your keywords is changed, in this case, a message in the form of an email is sent by semrush so that you can fix them immediately.

Google Analytics and Search Console

Google Analytics and Google Search Console. These tools provide real-time data to the website.

Google analysis. This is a free tool from google and provides website information. For example, how much traffic you’re getting, the location of users visiting your site, the pages viewed, how long they stayed on web pages, etc.

Search Console. Used for monitoring website performance, fixing indexing issues, tracking keywords, impressions, clicks, etc.


Ahrefs is a competitor to SEMrush. It provides all the information like SEMrush. However, results may vary for each device. For example, ahrefs shows traffic (1.2K) and semrush shows (1K) traffic with the same domain.

This difference is because each tool works with different algorithms.

It is a free tool of google. The work of this tool is to explore the popularity of topics using real-time data.

Here you can find the trending topics that people are constantly searching for. Then, you can use that information to improve your marketing strategy.

SEO Marketing Guide: Conclusion

I hope the information is valuable to you. However, the most important thing is to take your time with SEO. It is a long-term process, and there is no shortcut to getting your website ranked.

You will have to wait at least six months to see results.

To stay at the top of the results, you must work consistently, update the website regularly, and refresh your site by posting new content and showing Google that you are still active.

For more information, visit Original Content Resource.

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