What To Do When Google Start Web-Page Ranking On The Wrong keyword.

If your web page is ranking on the wrong keywords and you are struggling to fix that but not getting the right way then don’t worry it’s a common issue.

Every SEO beginner has faced this problem. Stay tuned with us. We will guide you through the step-by-step method to get ranking on the right page with the correct keyword. 

You do everything necessary to rank a page for a particular keyword – and then your Other webpage rank on that keyword.

In this case, I can comprehend your feelings it’s enough to make you furious, however, it’s a common issue. Google Start showing your page up on the wrong keywords when Google could not relate your keyword to that page or google does not recognize your intended page for the right goal for traffic cause of some reason. 

However, you must have felt that the page has right targeted keywords, despite getting the wrong results. Sometimes logic does not work google algorithms and various SEO techniques determine the ranking. However, we also attempt to correct it through various SEO techniques.

Do you even know what can occur when your wrong page rank on the wrong keyword? It is affected your user experience that’s why bounce rate will increase because of landing the wrong audience on the wrong page with the wrong keyword. Engagement metrics would lower more than we can imagine.

Thankfully, We can fix the problem by taking several steps. Take a look below. 

How To Improve A Website Pages Ranking Signals For A Specific Keyword

Step 1: Evaluate The User Intent Of Your Focus Keyword

User intent means a person’s goal to get correct results when searching for whatever they want in a google term. Google updated its algorithm rapidly hance ranking a single page of a website on a single keyword is not an easy task. 

There are countable factors that you should apply to a website. Website content -Your content should match user queries (keywords), so Google can understand and relate to user intent.

Step 2: Evaluate The Content On The Page

After ensuring that your content matches your plan, you can proceed ahead. You can check your content on the relevant page is optimized or not.

There is some question you should ask yourself whenever you start further analysis.

1- Is my page title keywords friendly, means, am I using my primary focus keywords in my page title?

2- The same thing applies to the description by using primary focus keywords in the page description.

3- How does the stature of my copy compare against the Top 10 or Top 20 ranking sites?

4- Do my competitors apply LSI keywords strategy on their website and do I need to incorporate it into my page?

5- Do the pages on my website adequately answer all the questions asked by the user?

There are two tools I recommend to you that can help you to analyze and answer the questions – Clearscope and SEMrush Writing Assistant.

Step 3- Assess Internal Linking.

Link singles explain to google how important your web pages are. Your website should have a sufficient number of pages that link back to another page that you want to improve.

Add 3 and 4 linking to each relevant topic page with high authority.

There is a time-saving and easy way to find relevant high authority pages, go to Ahrefs, enter your domain and then navigate to “Top Pages”.

Login Ahrefs + Type domain + See Organic search on sidebar + clink , Top pages

Here you can see all the pages that are ranking on top. You get a few more details about that page example – Traffic, count of keyword ranking and page Url.

Now you can get the most authoritative pages of your website that are relevant to other pages so that you can add a link.

Image Source – https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-ranking-wrong-page/331823/

Always use the focus keywords as anchor text for internal linking. It tells google that this word (keyword) is relevant to this page. Then your page will rank on their targeted keywords only.

The same thing applies to External links as we did with internal links.

Links show google how your website is valuable and its pages, so if the huge number of external link point to your wrong page for a specific keyword, it affects your ability to rank the correct page. 

Again the same thing, If your page is surviving without external links, it will never be able to rank ever because it sends a message to google that the page is not valuable and therefore should not be on top results.

Step 5: Look At Your User Data

High bonus rate on your website pages?

A poor click-through rate?

A lousy conversion rate?

Your web page rank drops when people leave early. This can happen due to some reasons e.g. when people do not find the relevant content and are unable/unwilling to navigate the page.

All these things also play an important role in influencing your overall rankings.

What is your user experience on your page? Most important question is whether it is good or bad and How to know the customer experience? We can use Google Analytics and other software like hotjar to get a feel for your user data in regards to any pages.

How To Reduce A Page’s Current Ranking Signals

After doing all SEO work you need to downgrade pages which are ranking other non-relevant keywords.

I know that goes against many SEO teachings, but it needs to apply to ensure that relevant keywords can rank on applicable pages.

You can do this by removing irrelevant keywords from non-relevant pages.

Then, restructure your internal links, and point out the correct and relevant page so that google can understand the content and keyword relevancy.

The same goes here with external links: Edit links which are in your hand, directory site, business listing, ETC or content website owners and ask them to redirect your links to the correct page.

Use A 301 Redirect If All Else Fails

If you fail to do all the above-mentioned steps then, you should go with 301 redirections. Just take down the wrong page and use 301 redirects to the right web page you want to index. This action tells google that you permanently replaced your old webpage with another new page and link equity of the old page will be transferred to the new page so that, it will get more growth.

Wrong Page Rankings Can Be Fixed.

Pops up your web page on the wrong keyword is a common problem but it would affect your user experience negatively.

But you can fix this by following the simple steps above and can get traffic to your intended page.

And at the end, you start getting traffic with an excellent user experience on your web pages and as well as you will be able to see user engagement either.

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